How to clean the washing machine filter, if you do it you save twice as much on your bills

Preparation before cleaning

For the  washing machine  to work  efficiently , it is necessary to  clean the filter  at least  4 times a year . This  will also reduce  fabric residue and  “lint  ” that is otherwise likely to  remain on washed  clothing  .

Clean the washer filter

To  clean the filter  of our  washing machine , we must  first remove it . The  position  of the filter is not always the same, it depends on the type of washing machine used, so it is advisable to  check it  via  the instruction manual  of your washing machine . Once the  filter  has been traced , it is necessary to  disconnect  the device  from the  electrical current  and also cut off  the plumbing supply .

After this, we can  arrange  the  basins  and a  towel  in order to  collect the water  that could come out of the  filter , so as not to  disperse it throughout the  house.

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