Scented cloths with these two ingredients in the washing machine: never had laundry like this


In a word, after having done a few long-term washes, without stopping and especially if you are washing carpets, shoes or anything that is considered really dirty, you must wash the drum of the washing machine. wash, with an empty detergent then continue with a sponge to clean the most difficult areas, for example the joints.

This way, germs and bacteria are eliminated, often responsible for smelly or dirty clothes that are still stained. The first mistake we all make is leaving wet clothes in the washing machine drum for hours and hours, the second is leaving the washing machine with the door closed between uses. This way, all that is done is to facilitate the reproduction of germs and bacteria that take over the device in just a few hours. On the contrary, the basket must be left open to allow it to dry in all its parts, completely by itself, without having to do anything.

Another mistake is washing clothes in excess amounts of detergent, fabric softener and stain remover. Although you may think that the more products you use, the cleaner, fragrant and shiny the laundry comes out, the reality is exactly the opposite. It is not only necessary to use delicate products, possibly natural, but also to reduce their quantities. Especially because the clothes do not rinse well in the end and the products end up clogging the appliance.

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