Message for women: Pay attention to how much you sleep… Neurologists have issued a warning

Sleep is a different process for women and men due to their different biological natures.

Many institutes recommend we need about 8 hours of sleep.

However, the latest scientific study has shown that 8 hours of sleep is not enough for the body. Women require more rest because their brain activity is higher.

Recent neurological studies have shown that the so-called beauty or restorative sleep is not a myth. Adequate sleep will make your skin look better.

Make sure you get more than 8 hours of sleep if you are a woman. It is vital for your overall health!

A study conducted by British researchers at Loughborough University revealed that because modern women have to deal with both work and home stress, they need to sleep a little more than men. The need for women to sleep more is based on their brain structure, which is quite different from that of men.

The hormonal system is different in women

This study was conducted on 4,600 volunteers, aged between 35 and 55 years, half of whom were men. Both laboratory tests and clinical investigations revealed that women’s bodies are operated by an entire hormonal mechanism to compensate for lack of sleep.

A small number of sleeping hours overtaxes the body and affects it irreversibly, especially in cardiac activity.

Neither lipid nor carbohydrate metabolism is spared from the harmful consequences of lack of rest. The less a woman sleeps, the more she is prone to gaining excess weight and developing diabetes, especially after the age of 40.

Sleep and sugar consumption are interconnected<!–nextpage–>

Among the first signs that you are not sleeping enough is the need to eat as much sweet as possible. Accumulated fatigue has a negative effect on muscle tone as well. The more tired a woman is, the lower her senses will be. Intuition and patience are the most affected.

A 2013 study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania confirmed that women are champions at multitasking, while men are not as good at this.

“Women’s brains are able to respond to multiple tasks at the same time, so they are more demanding, hence the greater need for rest,” said Jim Horne, the study’s author at the time.

The risks of sleep deprivation are major If you do not sleep at least 7-9 hours per night, the risk of developing dementia is very high. It also promotes the onset of depression, anger, and hormonal disorders.

“The more we demand our brain during the day, the longer the recovery period we will need, so more sleep,” Horne added.

It must be taken into account that there are three types of sleep deterioration, namely insomnia, hypersomnia, and non-restorative sleep. All are harmful to your body.

Prolonged anxiety is what can trigger insomnia as well as non-restorative sleep. Too many thoughts make you become agitated and do not allow the brain to disconnect and regenerate



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